Bhavesh Joshi Superhero trailer: Harshvardhan Kapoor is the new superhero in town
Bhavesh Joshi Superhero trailer: Harshvardhan Kapoor is the new superhero in town The trailer for the much-anticipated Harshvardhan Kapoor starrer Bhavesh Joshi Superhero just hit the internet and safe to say, it has managed to pique our interest. The three-minute-long clip establishes the premise of the film pretty well with some previously seen and some new footage. The trailer opens on a comic note when Ashish Verma is discussing his graphic novel on Mumbai’s first superhero with his friends, Harshvardhan and Priyanshu Painyuli. After a couple of wisecracks on Ra.One and G.One, we are shown how Priyanshu and Harshvardhan take Verma’s narrative forward in real life by busting some minor rackets here and there under the pseudonym of Insaaf. Things take a serious turn when the two get involved in a BMC water supply case and plan on unravelling a major scandal. The rest of the trailer follows how the two self-proclaimed superheroes end up shunning their masks and standing...